“We practise cultural entrepreneurship to include value creation through programme accessibility and cultural scaling of economies. The development of ‘cultural capital’ for community and individual benefit has been the foundation of our work, all to advance the culture of encounter.” Shalini Ganendra
Shalini Ganendra Projects* has developed a portfolio of inter-disciplinary projects and scholarship, over a period of nearly three decades, to activate engagement with under-explored regions and topics, to powerfully promote the culture of encounter.
Projects have covered numerous topics and served various objectives, including: increasing accessibility to cultural programming, understanding of various aesthetic cultural practises (e.g art, craft, architecture, design), and building transnational platforms to harness and propel these synergies.
Notable programmes include the UNESCO Observatory endorsed Vision Culture Lectures, (see Arts in Asia 2016, UNESCO Observatory); Gallery Weekend Kuala Lumpur, the annual cultural marquee featuring multi-disciplinary Malaysian, SE Asian and global content; Artist and Research Residencies; and enrichment modules for numerous stakeholders. The Projects more than 100 ground-breaking exhibitions of regional modern and contemporary art in cities across the globe also advanced cross-cultural engagement.
Gallery Residence (aka Ganendra Art House) housed most of these programmes. This purpose built, award winning green building was an example of economic and innovative sustainability architecture. The space featured wind chimney, ambient air flow, bioswales and cooling turf ramps and functioned as an inspiring placemaker. Gallery Residence gallery was the venue of choice for a range of community activities that shared experiences on culturally enriched and sustainable lifestyles, including: creative modules for children; university collaborations on green design and build; public lectures; workshops and residencies.
Shalini Ganendra Projects continues the agenda of the culture of encounter through publication and other forms of knowledge sharing, advisory and collections.
*Shalini Ganendra Projects started as The Private Gallery (1998), which then became Shalini Ganendra Fine Art (2001).

Shalini Ganendra’s impact on cultural development and awareness has been defined by over two decades of informed project and educational engagement. Through specific programming, research, publication, and overarching commitment to transnational discourse, she has increased focus on, inter alia, the distinct and longstanding creative practices and histories of the South and South East Asian Regions. Her strengths include: strategic project implementation; expedient economic delivery; and a growing presence in dispute resolution multi-disciplinary scholarship enhanced by legal discourse.
More on: LinkedIn: Shalini Amerasinghe Ganendra